What to do with the strategy-pak: A starter list

“Like most tools, our strategy-pak(sm) framework has little value unless you put it to use.” We present a starter list of potential uses (WHY) for our Strategy Pak(sm), including best practice checklist, common language, cascading linkages, and planning framework (strategy, strategic planning, analysis and vetting).
Enterprise Analysis Framework- Planning for outcomes

“As we work through strategy, there is a natural cascade, or progression, from “why” to “what” to “how”. We need to drive the directional thinking (“why” and “what”) down into execution (“how”) because, and we should keep reminding ourselves of this, at the end of the day we need to deliver business results”
Social Business- Don’t start in the tool shed

Prof. Hamel asks “Are we changing as fast as the world around us?” Keeping up with our changing environment, or ecosystem, is a constant risk for any organization providing a value proposition and is critical in today’s ultra social-business sensitive marketplace. We look at the role social business plays, including a few tools.
Change Leadership II- Understanding Kotter

We explore Kotter’s body of work, as well as a simple change management framework “The Change Formula” (Need for Change X Vision of Future X Steps > Natural Resistance to Change). We overview Kotter’s framework of 8 accelerators, and the necessity of the dual management operating system
The Strategy Stack

This is 3rd of a 3 article Strategy-Pak(sm) series. Based on our work to align a rapidly growing consultancy of experienced consultants for consistency, and applied clean-sheet to a pre-acquisition, publicly traded company. This article focuses on the structure of the strategy stack from Mission to Vision to Value propositions to Themes to Initiatives and KPIs.
A Working Definition of Strategy

This is 2nd of a 3 article Strategy-Pak(sm) series. Based on our work to align a rapidly growing consultancy of experienced consultants for consistency, and applied clean-sheet to a pre-acquisition, publicly traded company. This article focuses on the definition of strategy
Unpacking Strategy

This is 1st of a 3 article Strategy-Pak(sm) series. Based on our work to align a rapidly growing consultancy of experienced consultants for consistency, and applied clean-sheet to a pre-acquisition, publicly traded company. This article focuses on the overall architecture including a definition of strategy and its component parts
Best Thought Leadership in Social Business Elements for 2011

One of our mostly-annual series of what we found as our favorites for the year. Let us know if you want to be added to our year-end email list
Execution through Processes, Projects and Communities

Focusing on execution, we touch on each common organizing concepts in the following sections: Process; Project (program and project management); Community (purpose, practice and interest). We also quickly discuss the role of organization, followed by what is best organizing concept (considering sponsorship and breadth of collaboration)
What is most important to successful transformation?

Involvement has always been “Change 101” for NextForge. It is part of our DNA. This article explores employee involvement backed by published research (McKinsey). “Involving employees in change initiatives increases success 3.5 times.” We introduce a moniker for this involvement iGO- individual, Group and Organization.