What to do with the strategy-pak: A starter list

Like most tools, our strategy-paksm framework has little value unless you put it to use.  As we briefly explored in our Communicate Strategy for Effect post, we believe in building from the basics.  So, here are a few traditional, time-proven ways we have used the framework to improve our clients’ businesses… the basics.

  • Best practice check list for strategic architecture. 
    Answers: Do we have all the moving parts of competitive strategy?
  • Create a common language of strategy within your organization.
    Answers: Do we have concise definitions and understanding of strategy throughout the organization?
  • Create cascading linkage from corporate to division to functional to department to individual performance.
    Answers: How does what I do support the corporate mission?
  • Provide an initial frame to build-out your strategy.
    Answers: How to the discrete elements of our strategy fit together?
  • Form a basis of your strategic planning process
    Answers: Who is working on what and when?  Why?
  • Create a framework for analysis and vetting
    Answers: Have we got the right direction, the right priorities, the right plans, and resources? Are we committed?

Strategy is complex.  See our definitional series on the key elements of strategy.  We have included a few observations along the way on how we have, or might, advance the more traditional concepts.  Collectively, we refer to the grouping of strategic concepts as the strategy-paksm.

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